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Welcome To iStudyhome.com
Istudyhome.com is a website that allow you to learn free some video tutorials: How to make website for free on Blogger.com,How to use Adobe photoshop,How to make website on Wordpress, How to edit video on Sony Vegas 12, and alots.

I'm not good at IT and I never learnt at university, but I've try to learn it on Youtube. I have learnt some short couses such as: Microsoft MS 2013, Adobe Photoshop, HTML and Joomla. Some time I learnt by myself. What I've learnt , will be here. 

Visit istudyhome , you'll have an opportunity to study basic computer , Blogger , Wordpress, Photoshop, Sony Vegas and so on. All about Computers/Technology. Thank you very much for visiting our website. Good Luck!